
Another long weekend past...

It's been a nice few days off from work, but here I am again to start writing, looks like I don't have a whole lot to spout about today.

First off, I would like to say Congratulations to my wife and her wonderful first Thanksgiving dinner, she and I stayed at home alone this Thanksgiving Day and enjoyed our very first dinner together with our daughter. Unfotunately we were to have another guest but he got sick, and I hope he is feeling much better as this week goes on (although the snow on the ground wont help). Yesterday it was her first attempt at not only Thanksgiving dinner, but a Newfoundland traditional style Jiggs dinner, of course it was hard to give somethings up, pumpkin pie being the number one. All turned out amazing, it filled (over filled really) the hole, and was tasty from the first bite to the last. An all around great meal, Well done to the Misses.

Today whilst browsing the internet I came across an aritcle that made me think, my goodness (although this woman wasn't supposed to have any form of contact with the other) this could have happened to any of us. It seems in this day and age, that E-harassment has been on the rise, between this woman, and many others that I'm almost certain the rest of the readers have seen is crazy, you can be fired from a job because of your Facebook antics, granted, if your boss is on your Facebook and you tell him to "eat shit and die" in your status, you are in need of a canning. As my Facebook profile is private I have no worry about people who aren't friends of mine seeing what I write, but I have read that companies around North America are requesting that you submit your Facebook page to the scrutiny of the employer, it seems to be getting harder and harder to have a good time on the weekend.

I have read of people being denied a job because of Facebook pictures or Twitter updates, but as far as yours truly sees it, there is nothing wrong with getting blind stinking drunk on Friday night if you don't work until Monday morning, but many a person has been judged on these photos. I'm not saying if you are a complete waste case that you should be given equal chance as someone who occasionally drinks till unconsciousness on the weekends and weekends only. I guess you could call me a Devil's Advocate on this subject.

These are my opinions and my opinions are my own, If you find yourself in disagreement then you can comment on this post and we can have a civilized discussion regarding our opinions.

Thanks again for reading.

Cú Chulainn

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