
My Daily Chuckle

Though I would take the time to give you a view of the video that made me have a chuckle and shake my head this morning.

Way to go Mary Walsh!

Check out the full story here

Updated: Happy Thanksgiving to all my american readers!


This is the skin of a killer

Twilight's sequel was released less than 5 days ago now, and looking into it, alot of people seem to hate the movies/books.

Now I can't figure out why people would hate them, the movies are much better than the books, granted, but I don't really think it requires hate. New Moon Obviously did quite well from Nov 20-22 as it grossed $26.7 Million in its midnight sales alone, beating out "The Dark Knight" which was much more anticipated due to the untimely death of Heath Ledger. Personally, I have not read the books, nor do I intend to, my wife read them, and she said, although good, the writing was lacking something, and there wasn't a way to place her finger on what it was. The movies could have some better acting, but the actors act the way their characters were written. I have only seen Twilight, I haven't made the choice to go to the theater yet for New Moon, as I think I will wait till the teenage girl chaos is over, but I will see it in theaters, only because there is something drawing me to see them, maybe awaiting a possible bloodbath or to see someone actually get bitten by a vampire.

I will agree with a lot of you out there who will read this and say "BUT they fucking sparkle", which again, I agree, they do fucking sparkle, and vampires don't do that, they burst into a pile of ash when exposed to sunlight. If this is the only reason you wish not to see it...then I would suggest putting that behind you, and at least watching Twilight, you might find something you like in the series. I wish I had seen the New Moon, as I could write a little about it, but as of yet, I have not.

Rant On.

I just wanted to take the time to mention to people that just because guys like the series does not make them gay, in any way shape or form, I didn't watch it to see Robert Pattinson prance about, I watched it because I think it should have a fair chance on the chopping block as all other movies do. I get that some guys out there can't see past Edward Cullen, and his dashing good looks etc. but it isn't the movies fault that your girlfriend would rather fuck Edward than your lazy ass, He is a charming type, and all the girls would have a crush on him. If your jealous of a fictional character portrayed by someone unobtainable by most normal people, then you have some serious self-esteem issues and need a therapist, there, I said it. Girls who hate it, sorry to say that your boyfriend may like it because of those nude pictures got out, and want to see if they can catch a glimpse of boob, not that they are gay. There is the possibility that they like it because it is just plain good. So a word to all you haters, just stop, we get that you like movies where people get disemboweled and faces broken with pipes, blatant nudity, and witty punch lines etc. we do.

Rant Off.

Well, that was that, my opinion for this week and the next.

Thanks again for reading, take it easy, and remember, This is the skin of a killer.

Cú Chulainn


Snow Snow Go away...

Snow has nothing to do with today's light reading, just that it is here, and I want it to go away.

It would seem that lately many a child has been suspended from school, or expelled due to some "questionable" behavior, one I read about today, was a boy who was removed from his school and him and his parents told he needed to attend a school for "troublemakers", what did he do? He brought metal cutlery to school, to eat his lunch with. Granted, his school has a zero tolerance policy for bringing knifes to school (one his parents supported and voted for at the PTA meeting) but I believe that the dean of his school suggesting he attend a school for troublemakers is a bit much, he wanted to eat his lunch, not attack anyone, again, I do not know if he had a history as a problem child at the school, however I think that this sentence is a little harsh, of course through appeals etc. it was brought down to a 3-4 day suspension from school.

Another boy somewhere in North America was suspended for refusal to say the Pledge of Allegiance, because it said "liberty and justice for all". He is from a family with a mother and father who both support gay rights, and when he told his teacher he didn't believe that there was liberty and justice for all especially when it came to gay rights, and to say the words would be a lie. The school said he was reprimanded because he talked back to a teacher.

Having 3 under 6 brother-in-laws (weird I know, long story), one of which is in school now makes me think, what is going to happen to them? when is one of them going to get suspended, or face expulsion? and what will it be for?

Its a strange world we live in nowadays, isn't it?

Thanks again for reading,

Cú Chulainn


Another long weekend past...

It's been a nice few days off from work, but here I am again to start writing, looks like I don't have a whole lot to spout about today.

First off, I would like to say Congratulations to my wife and her wonderful first Thanksgiving dinner, she and I stayed at home alone this Thanksgiving Day and enjoyed our very first dinner together with our daughter. Unfotunately we were to have another guest but he got sick, and I hope he is feeling much better as this week goes on (although the snow on the ground wont help). Yesterday it was her first attempt at not only Thanksgiving dinner, but a Newfoundland traditional style Jiggs dinner, of course it was hard to give somethings up, pumpkin pie being the number one. All turned out amazing, it filled (over filled really) the hole, and was tasty from the first bite to the last. An all around great meal, Well done to the Misses.

Today whilst browsing the internet I came across an aritcle that made me think, my goodness (although this woman wasn't supposed to have any form of contact with the other) this could have happened to any of us. It seems in this day and age, that E-harassment has been on the rise, between this woman, and many others that I'm almost certain the rest of the readers have seen is crazy, you can be fired from a job because of your Facebook antics, granted, if your boss is on your Facebook and you tell him to "eat shit and die" in your status, you are in need of a canning. As my Facebook profile is private I have no worry about people who aren't friends of mine seeing what I write, but I have read that companies around North America are requesting that you submit your Facebook page to the scrutiny of the employer, it seems to be getting harder and harder to have a good time on the weekend.

I have read of people being denied a job because of Facebook pictures or Twitter updates, but as far as yours truly sees it, there is nothing wrong with getting blind stinking drunk on Friday night if you don't work until Monday morning, but many a person has been judged on these photos. I'm not saying if you are a complete waste case that you should be given equal chance as someone who occasionally drinks till unconsciousness on the weekends and weekends only. I guess you could call me a Devil's Advocate on this subject.

These are my opinions and my opinions are my own, If you find yourself in disagreement then you can comment on this post and we can have a civilized discussion regarding our opinions.

Thanks again for reading.

Cú Chulainn


This evening...

this evening as I sit here with my glass of wine, on my computer I think to myself, how can people honestly say some of the things that they say, do they just randomly type and then hit enter with out using their brains?

It would appear so, I know one too many people who, from what I can tell use their computer like they would use their brains, just spouting nonsense, their internal editor broken (for those of you who know me know I don't have an editor). That said I do know what not to say when, unless of course intoxicated...but how often does that happen?

I think that people need to learn to shut their mouths before they think.

P.S. I think that this wine is amazing, and people are not.

Good night readers, until tomorrow. Cú Chulainn


Parking, learn it or get off the lot..

today, funny enough as I sit in the parking lot here at work I think to myself, why, oh why is that persons car not keyed?

How many of us have seen it? Cars parked like assholes, the jerk with an SUV parked with his/her front bumper well over the line, or too far out from the invisible line that your vehicles back bumper should be parallel to. We have all see it, and we have all wanted to key the little fuckers car, just so that he knows he parked like a knob.

every day i come home to my lovely neighbor parked like a dick, his back tires always on my side of the line, or too close to the line, so when i park in the lines neither me or my wife can get out of the vehicle(she sits in the back with the baby). I kindly (Hah, i know) posted a note on his windshield asking him to park between the lines better, because i cannot get out of my vehicle, he kindly ignored it, and continued to park like a shit, until one day i had had enough, i parked so close to his vehicle i had to get out my passenger door. This continues to happen, and i have been his lot neighbor for the last 6ish months.

My biggest beef with the parking situation we have all encountered is the person in the handicapped space (gasp!, get over it). just because you have a handicapped tag in your windshield does not mean you park like a fucktard, yes, i understand that you may have a disability, but if your disability is so crippling that you cannot park somewhat straight in the line, you should have your license revoked, and i stand by that.

Please please, learn to park, if you have a hard time parking, take the drivers course again, good god, learn.

Cú Chulainn


I'm Back...

With a different spin, this time around, it looks like i will just be ranting about things that straight put me up the wall. Be they things that i come across whilst driving, or things that come up day to day. Don't like it? Too bad, then don't read it.

To Start:

Over the next 10 days I will be going over some things that really irk me and make me want to turn and smack the lips off your face.

Today I thought I would touch on something that I caught on TV the other day, it was on "18 kids and counting" and first of all, not only were all the boys dressed oddly similar, but the girls were as well, all the same hair style with polo shirts tucked into their khaki's and loafers of some sort, it was like they were those Matryoshka dolls, it seemed to creepy to be real, and the girls with ribbons in their hair with the dresses tied at the waist, it really made me feel weird. The thing that irked me the most was at one time one of their girls was yelling in central park (they were in NY, NY this episode) and the mom knelt down in front of her and started to discipline her, this is all well and fine until it cuts to one of the generic boys, who is sitting in front of a screen having his camera time, and he said "she doesn't yell at her kids like other parents, she talks to them like they are normal people."

What got me about that is that the Duggars are not normal, they have 18 children, that isn't a normal family, no matter how you discipline your children, you will never be normal, not as the person who has squeezed out so many children the next one is just going to fall out. It made me upset to the point where I wanted to smack the hair cut off of him, it made me think how disillusioned these children will grow up to be.

Yet another thing would be the fact that they have 18, soon to be 19 children, I think its high time someone had an intervention, there are all sorts of addictions in this world, why could having children not be an addiction, yes, I know they live the christian lifestyle, and there is nothing wrong with that, it just seems like they have done their job to populate the earth. 19 children, 21 people under one roof, not to mention the camera crews who follow them around, that must be one crowded sidewalk.

I do respect their right to be practicing their religion, but IMHO these folk are too much, they have way too many kids, as I said I'm sure they love them, I thought what is running through the first child's mind? does he think his parents to be selfish? I certainly would, as there are so many people in one house, some of them must not get the amount of attention they deserve, there just aren't enough hours in the day.

To conclude, I think that the Duggars have too many children, good for them they have their own TV show, but seriously, there are too many shows about people seeming to exploit their children these days.

Keep it safe, wrap it up, or get fixed, but please for the love of god, do not become the next Duggar family.

Cú Chulainn