
its been a lot more than a while...

I have been undergoing some changes as a person the last several months, the last post that I posted was not an intent to spam anyone, and I apologize to those who feel that it was, I have no affiliation what-so-ever with pinwall or anyone who works for them.

I have taken up a new model in my life, and that is to be a hard-working, attentive father, my daughter and I are getting along great, I stayed home with her for almost 3 months and cared for her daily as my wife worked, she and I got close, and now, even though she is still young, we get along astoundingly well.

I have grown weary of the city in which I call home, my heart feels much like a plant uprooted and placed on a stone far from the hole from where it was dug. My roots reach out trying to replant and continue to grow, but they cannot penetrate the cold hard stone.

I hope in the next 6 months to be away from here (it's hard not to sound depressed with that line, although I truly am not) My wife and I will be making it our intent to move from here and rest our hearts and heads in a place we both, and our daughter can call home.

I will be writing during the transition period, not to gain sympathy or followers, as a documentation of my journey.

I hope you all read and enjoy, as for me, I am going to sit and watch the rain fall, again.

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